Kegged an Amber Ale today. Maria said it smelled funny... tasted good though. After kegging I noticed some kind of scrunge in my auto-siphon, didn't notice it while sanitizing before use, hope it's not some kind of nasty growth....
Opened a bottle of what was supposed to be a Scotch Ale last week. Made it with a bunch of grain I needed to use up and when I put the recipe into TasteyBrew it seemed to fit a Scotch, too dark and roasty though, closer to a Porter, maybe even a Stout. Have to drink more and get some opinions to see what catagory it fits.
Next up is a kit from Midwest, haven't done a kit since my first beer. It was on sale in their newsletter, they call it 'Boundary Waters Ale'. I got the all grain version, have to see what it looks like when I get it, may modify it. :-)