This is a little late but I want to get it in here.
The last weekend in June my nephew got married in Minnesota. So what is my first thought when planning this trip? Stop at a couple of brew pubs on the way and make a trip to the Midwest Supplies beer store in Minneapolis! Well, plans changed and I didn't make it to ANY pubs or even a bar, but I did make it to the Beer Store.
Now I've always used the phrase 'beer store'. "Hey, I'm going to the beer store for a box of beer." Or "Wanna go to the beer store? I need a box of beer." And so forth, but now that I have started brewing my own and have been to what I here brewers call a LHBS "Local Home Brew Store" the term has a whole new meaning. I was like a kid in a candy store! Every where I turned there was something I needed! I was a little intimidated by the other shoppers, they all seemed to know what they were doing and what they needed. I was walking around with my jaw wide open and my wife kept telling me to quit drooling.
I actually did have a list and a budget to stay under, but who knew there was so much other stuff that I had to have! In the end I did stay under budget by getting this instead of that and less of the other for more of something else. Too short on time and money for a field trip like that but it saved me some shipping on the big items like carboys and bulk dry extract.
(note to self.. bulk extract is not worth the hassle of splitting up, buy what you need when you need it!)
I do have the supplies for quite a few brews now so I need to step up production. Ah well, a brewers work is never done..... :-D